Cathy Cress

Cathy Cress

Join me on Women’s Voices Monday November 8 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time for an interview with Cathy Jo Cress. Cress received her MSW in aging from UC Berkeley, and has taught aging at Berkeley, San Francisco State University, Cabrillo College, and the University of Florida. Her new book, Mom Loves You Best, Forgiving and Forging Sibling Relationships, coauthored with her daughter Kali Cress Peterson, examines sibling relationships and healing. Siblings form the longest thread throughout our lives and are among the most enduring relationships we will ever have. Whether bonded by blood, marriage, adoption, foster or fictive siblings, it is often our deepest relationship in a family, binding us together no matter how old or young. Cress’s book examines how repairing family relationships can lead to renewed joyful relationships, working together with siblings through family crises, helping your own children avoid generational patterning, and partnering with siblings to care for aging parents. This should be an interesting evening exploring important issues that affect us all. Join me tonight at 7 PM PST on

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